Saturday, June 18, 2011


Did you ever wish you had gotten the last word? So many of us out there have dealt with complicated, awful breakups. For whatever reason we either didn't say what we REALLY meant to, said or done something we wish we hadn't. Life is about moving on, not holding onto "what ifs" and "should haves".  Rarely in life do we get a do-over. 

Well NOW is your chance.  Using the form below, you can rant, rave, rage, apologize, grant forgiveness or whatever your heart REALLY desires. Share as little or as much as you are comfortable with. These responses will be sent directly to me and are completely anonymous (unless you don't want them to be), then I will compile them into one mass letter which I will publish the beginning of July. 

In order to make this happen, I need your submissions no later than 12am CST on July 1st. 

So get to thinking. Let's write the words that need to be said. Let's get those last dangling thoughts off our brains and leave the past where it belongs. As the saying goes, "if you are looking back, you can never go forward". Make sure you spread the word to anyone you know who might need to get something off their chest! Thank you for sharing!

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